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10 digital economy tourist sites in Hangzhou

ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: October 12, 2020 L M S

Hangzhou's determination to spearhead the development of digital economy was recently put on display when it revealed 10 tourist sites featuring the emerging industry, local media reported.

Here are 10 tourist sites that reflect Hangzhou's achievements in digital economy.

Alibaba Group

Now open to the public for the first time, Alibaba Group offers three travel routes featuring its first shopping mall Qinchengli, the futuristic FlyZoo Hotel, which is full of high-tech facilities, and the Tai Chi Buddha hall, providing an opportunity to Chinese cultural immersion.

The shopping mall is open from 10 am to 8 pm on Sundays and from Mondays to Fridays, while the hotel and Buddha hall must be booked in advance.

Address: 969 West Wenyi Road


Alibaba Group. [Photo/hangzhou.com.cn]

AliCloud Industrial Internet Co

Visits to AliCloud Industrial Internet Co focus on supET, an industrial internet platform developed by AliCloud to help small and medium-sized companies solve problems and improve the  internet of things (IoT) development model.

Address: 1/F, No 1 Building of Yuhang district chamber of commerce, 100 Xinfeng Road, Nanyuan sub-district, Yuhang district

The company is open from 9 am to 5 pm on workdays. Groups of no more than 50 people can book up to three days in advance by calling 571-8920 2080 or via the official WeChat account of aliyunsupET.


AliCloud Industrial Internet Co. [Photo/hangzhou.com.cn]

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