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5G technology enables safer two sessions

ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 4, 2021 L M S


The machines equipped at the ongoing Hangzhou two sessions can help avoid unnecessary and frequent interpersonal contact amid the current COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control measures. [Photo/hangzhou.com.cn]

Participants attending the ongoing two sessions in Hangzhou can enjoy easy and fast passes to meeting venues and hotels as entrances there are equipped with smart sensing machines powered by 5G technology, local media outlets reported.

The machines can help avoid unnecessary and frequent interpersonal contact amid the current COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control measures. It allows participants to have their identities checked, temperatures taken, and health codes examined by looking at the cameras of the machines for facial recognition or by reading their ID cards or social security cards via the machines.

Staff members can easily verify attendees' information via the background system, which takes them an average of no more than two seconds. They can also summarize data via the background system, greatly improving their work efficiency.

The machines have also been applied at key COVID-19 epidemic prevention and controls sites, such as hospitals, railway stations, and bus stations, aiming to further enhance the safety level for people leaving or returning to Hangzhou.

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