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Asiad Economy| Economic surge during Asian Games fuels increased foreign reviews on apps

www.ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: September 25, 2023 L M S


A bird's-eye view of the CBD in Hangzhou. [Photo/WeChat account: rmrbwx]

The overlap of the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and the Asian Games has ignited a tourism fervor in Hangzhou, making this year's "Golden Week" holiday one of the busiest in the past five years.

According to data from Meituan and Dianping, as of Sept 20, orders in Zhejiang's catering industry have surged by over 380 percent compared to the same period in 2019.

In Hangzhou, the host city, as well as co-host cities like Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing, and Jinhua, hotels and B&Bs are in high demand. Hangzhou has also secured a spot among the top 10 popular train destinations for National Day.

Throughout the Asian Games, both domestic and international visitors exploring various cities in Zhejiang have not only indulged in local cuisine, entertainment, and shopping, but also actively shared their experiences through English reviews on Dianping. In the past week alone, the app recorded over 300 new English reviews related to Hangzhou.

In the same period, the number of Asian Games related travel guides on Dianping has doubled compared to the previous week, and searches for "City Boat" in Hangzhou have surged by a whopping 600 percent.

The enthusiasm for the Games has also stirred up a passion for physical exercise. As of Sept 20, the number of sports and fitness orders on Meituan in Zhejiang has grown by over 150 percent, with ball games and fitness centers experiencing the fastest growth in popularity.

Furthermore, in the past week, searches for night tours have seen a 185-percent increase compared to the previous week. Activities like group visits to bars for live shows, guided outdoor autumn outings, and nighttime stroll while wearing traditional Hanfu clothing have surged in popularity.


The "Big Lotus", the main venue for the Hangzhou Asian Games. [Photo/WeChat account: rmrbwx]

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