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Good Samaritan lawyer awarded 'Hangzhou Good Person' title

www.ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 27, 2024 L M S


Sun Zijian is honored with the title of "Hangzhou Good Person". [Photo/WeChat account: hzfbwx]

Hangzhou on Feb 26 bestowed the title of "Hangzhou Good Person" to Sun Zijian, a lawyer who courageously intervened during a recent incident of deliberate harm to a local viaduct. Sun's act of stopping his car and intervening to defuse the situation garnered praise from many netizens.

Recalling the incident, Sun stated, "When I saw what was happening, I knew I had to do something." He acted instinctively and said to the driver involved in the altercation, "I am actually saving both of you." Sun emphasized that he was not alone in his actions; others also offered assistance during the incident.

Sun expressed his surprise at the recognition, stating, "I have never been in the spotlight like this before." Reflecting on the public response, he acknowledged the responsibilities that come with the honor, noting, "I understand that as an ordinary person, my actions can still influence others."

Sun's kindness extends beyond the incident and is evident in his interactions with his colleagues at Zhehang Law Firm, who speak highly of him. For instance, colleague Chen Shuai mentioned that Sun often offers to drive colleagues home in bad weather, even when his home is in the opposite direction.

Originally from Daqing, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, Sun has been living in Hangzhou for six years. He finds Hangzhou to be a warm city, citing its efficient administrative services, the kindness of its residents, and its high levels of urban management and economic vitality.


Sun is a lawyer at Zhehang Law Firm. [Photo/WeChat account: tidenews]

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