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Celebrating a decade: Embracing modernity along ancient canal

provided to ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: June 21, 2024 L M S

Editor's note: To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Grand Canal's UNESCO World Heritage listing, a captivating video series has been launched to showcase a Russian's journey to Gongshu district of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, home to the southernmost point of the canal.

The ancient Grand Canal has fostered much cultural prosperity. Today, history and modern civilization blend seamlessly along the canal, creating a vibrant spectacle.

Along the ancient waterway, skyscrapers rise and a modern transportation network extends in all directions, showcasing the harmonious coexistence of the old and the new. Parks, squares, and museums along the canal offer cultural and sports enrichment to residents and attract numerous tourists.

People along the canal cherish the essence of canal culture while also embracing the convenience of modern life. Strolling, cycling, and exercising along the canal have become part of their daily routines.

Afanaseva Sofia, a Russian student studying and living in Hangzhou, went on a journey to discover the blend of canal culture and modern civilization, experiencing a fusion of history and modernity.

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